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  • 19:48 19 mar 2024 discusión creó la página Thursday the 14th (Página nueva: '''Thursday the 14th''' is when the 14th day of a month falls on a Thursday. This happens in, and only in, months that start on a Friday. Since 14 is a multiple of seven, the 14th day of any month falls on the same day of the week as the last day of the previous month. The 7th, 21st, and 28th also share this property. The Gregorian calendar began on a Thursday the 14th, namely September 14, 1752, after Britain and its territories (including present-day United States) adjust…)
  • 02:38 20 feb 2024 discusión creó la página Alexei Navalny dies but gets more powerful (Página nueva: {{fecha|19 de febrero de 2024}} thumb|left|Alexei Navalny in 2011 thumb|right|Protest in support of Navalny in St. Petersburg, 23 January 2021 For most of the 12 or so years in which Alexei Navalny crusaded against the rule of Vladimir Putin, the Russian president tried to avoid mentioning his gadfly by name, even as he and his minions tried…)
  • 02:37 20 feb 2024 discusión creó la página Presidential Election 2020: Nearly broken, we, America, can bounce back (Página nueva: {{fecha|3 de noviembre de 2020}} ''This is an editorial about the 2020 presidential election, written by Kathleen Parker, a columnist in Camden, South Carolina.'' thumb|left|Former Vice President Joe Biden campaigning in 2019 thumb|left|A view from the north, with the north fountain Never during my lifetime have I been so stressed over a presidential election. I know I’m not alone because everyone…)
  • 05:16 3 oct 2023 discusión creó la página Yellow Thursday (Página nueva: {{Fecha|14 de abril de 2016}} (April 14, 2016) On Thursday, Raymond Wang went to school at Ivy Street School like any other day, but at 2:45 p.m., when school was dismissed, Ray was still inside the classroom, waiting for the bus. He waited inside with teachers Tom Bonanno and Taryn Eaton. It was rare for the bus driver, Machado, to be more than five minutes late. It was 2:52 p.m. when Ray would finally be picked up, not by Machado, but by Justin Gallagher, a 43-year-old ma…)
  • 05:16 3 oct 2023 discusión creó la página YouTube finally unbans two words (Página nueva: {{Fecha|2 de octubre de 2023}} (October 2, 2023) After many years, YouTube has finally removed "Condom" and "Condominium" from the blacklist on search suggestions, allowing both words to finally have visible search predictions / suggestions for users. For at least the past 12 years, both words had no suggestions, or at least no visible suggestions, due to the blacklisting rules. It is unknown whether, until today, YouTube had always banned those two words or if it was initi…)
  • 05:15 3 oct 2023 discusión creó la página Student must stay back from trip next week after unsafe behavior today (Página nueva: {{Fecha|4 de octubre de 2013}} (October 4, 2013) Sixteen-year-old Raymond Wang, who has attended League School since 2007, must stay back from trip on Friday, October 11, due to his inappropriate behavior at school today during the weekly field trip to a Target store. His teachers, Melissa Vinneau and Jeanette Mattar, are very concerned about Raymond's behavior going forward, and they can find no apparent antecedent prior to the meltdown. However, there was an antecedent. H…)
  • 21:03 18 jul 2023 discusión creó la página Jason Gray returns to League School after two months (Página nueva: {{fecha|20 de enero de 2011}} (Thursday, January 20, 2011) On Wednesday, 12-year-old boy Jason Gray returned to League School for the first time in two months. When the 2010/2011 school year began last September, Raymond Wang, Joe Moran, Alex Friedman, Connor Daitch, Michael Pensak, and Jason Gray were all in Room 207 in the "Pathfinders" program. The school's student roster is predominantly male, with 71 of the 82 students (86.6%) being boys and only eleven being girls (13…)
  • 21:02 18 jul 2023 discusión creó la página Students take geometry class together (Página nueva: {{fecha|28 de febrero de 2011}} League School students Raymond Wang and Jason Gray are now classmates for one period of the school day: Geometry, which lasts from 9:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. Well, actually, geometry is divided into three class periods. Jason entered his teenage years earlier this month. He was born on February 11, 1998, so he turned 13 on Friday, February 11, 2011. In geometry, Ray has been doing worksheets from a geometry textbook. He is learning about Euc…)