
De Wikinoticias, la fuente libre de noticias

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// <source lang="JavaScript">

 // This script has some crappy hacks in it, and won't work as of current on other languages probably

 // I would assume this script is 
 // under the GFDL. it was originally at [[commons:MediaWiki:Extra-tabs.js]]

 // written by Dbenbenn, Avatar, Duesentrieb and Arnomane
 // modified by User:en:bawolff for en.wikinews and User:Jurock for es.wikinews. Ajax stuff added by    
 // User:en:TheFearrow

 // Switch for people that don't want the extra tabs.
  load_extratabs = true;
  if (load_extratabs == true)
   // Translations (variables for internationalisation and localisation):

   // project
   // It is tempting to replace this with wgServer.replace("http://", "")
    var tab_project = '';
    var talknamespace = 'Discusión:';
    var commentSubpage = '/Comentarios';
    var MainPage = 'Portada'
    var commentsPreload = 'Plantilla:Comentarios_preload'
    var commentsIntro = 'Plantilla:Comentarios_intro'

    tab_view_comment_on_article = 'opinion';

 //--Start doing stuff

  //Fix existing tabs
    function global_fix_comment_tabs() {
      var base_article = wgPageName;
     //should always be true
      if (base_article.indexOf(talknamespace) != -1) {
        base_article.replace(talknamespace, "");
        base_article = encodeURI(base_article);
        // try something. killing this line var base_article = base_article.replace("%3A", ":").replace("%2F", "/").replace("%C3%A1", "á").replace("%C3%A9", "é").replace("%C3%AD", "í").replace("%C3%BA", "ú").replace("%C3%B3", "ó");
        var article_tab = document.getElementById('ca-nstab-main');
        var article_tab_link = article_tab.firstChild.getAttribute('href');
        var base_number = base_article.lastIndexOf(commentSubpage);
       //if the title does not not (note double not = positive) have /comment ( commentSubpage) on the end
        if (base_number != -1) {
         //get rid of talk (7)
          base_article = base_article.substring(talknamespace.length,base_number);
         //escape spaces
          article_tab_link = base_article.replace(" ", "_");
          article_tab.firstChild.setAttribute('href', '/wiki/' + article_tab_link);
          //Fixme: Why am I removing the class? probably should not do that.
         //fix talk tab
          document.getElementById('ca-talk').firstChild.setAttribute('href', "/wiki/" + talknamespace + article_tab_link);
           //since where here, show that we're here
          document.getElementById('ca-view-comment').setAttribute('class', 'selected');

   // Appends a new tab.
    function global_append_tab(url, name, id)
      var na = document.createElement('a');
      na.setAttribute('href', url);  

      var txt = document.createTextNode(name);

      var li = document.createElement('li');
      if(id) = id;

     // Grab the element we want to append the tab and append the tab to it.
      var hist = document.getElementById('ca-edit');
      var c1 = document.getElementById('column-one');
      var tabs = c1.getElementsByTagName('div')[0].getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
      tabs.insertBefore(li, hist);
      //perhaps this should be done through css, so in other skins, weirdeness doesn't happen
      document.getElementById('ca-talk').style.marginRight = ".3em";
      document.getElementById('ca-view-comment').style.marginRight = "1.6em";

    function global_add_article_tabs(article)
      var appendComments = '';
      if (wgPageName.indexOf(commentSubpage) == -1) {
        appendComments = commentSubpage;
      if (article !== talknamespace + MainPage) 
        global_append_tab('/wiki/' + article + appendComments, tab_view_comment_on_article, 'ca-view-comment');

    function global_do_onload()
     // extract the namespace
     // var title = global_get_tidy_title();
      var title = wgPageName;
     // Namespace numbers are (see [[m:Help:Variables]]):
     // -1: Special
     // 0:  Article (main)
     // 1:  talk
     // 2:  User
     // 3:  User_talk
     // 6:  Image
     // 7:  Image_talk
     // 14: Category
       //case -1:
       //    global_add_special_tabs(title);
       //    break;
        case 0:
          global_add_article_tabs(talknamespace + title);
        case 1:
       //case 2:
       //case 3:
       //    global_add_user_tabs(title);
       //    break;
       //case 6:
       //case 7:
       //    global_add_image_tabs(title);
       //    break;
       //case 14:
       //    global_add_category_tabs(title);
       //    break;
         // nothing

     // checking if pages exist
    function reddenTabs() {
      var title = wgTitle;
      if (wgNamespaceNumber == 1 || wgNamespaceNumber == 0) { // main and talk namespace only
        if (title != MainPage) { //don't check for main page
          if (wgPageName.lastIndexOf(commentSubpage) == -1) { // not viewing comments page
            checkCommentaryPageExist(talknamespace + title + commentSubpage);
          } else {
            var newtitle = title.replace(commentSubpage, "");
            checkCommentaryPageExist(talknamespace + newtitle);

   // The following two functions run a background check of api.php to see
   // if the particular page exists, so a non-existing comment page can be red,
   // and an existing comment page will look like a normal tab.

   //Takes arguments for talk ns name, and Comment subpage name so I can define them all in one spot

    function checkCommentaryPageExist(pageName) {
      var x;
      x = sajax_init_object();

     // do nothing if we can't check
      if (!x) {
      }"GET", "" + pageName, true);
      x.setRequestHeader("Pragma", "cache=yes");
      x.setRequestHeader("Cache-Control", "no-transform");
      x.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if (x.readyState == 4) {
          if (x.status == 200) {
            var xmldoc = x.responseXML;
            var xpage = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('page');
            if (xpage.item(0).hasAttribute('missing')) { // is missing
              if (pageName.indexOf("/Comentarios") == -1) {
                document.getElementById('ca-talk').className = 'new';
                  '' + pageName + '&action=edit');
              } else {
                document.getElementById('ca-view-comment').className = 'new';
                  '' + pageName + 
                  '&action=edit&preload=' + commentsPreload +
                  '&editintro=' + commentsIntro);

    addOnloadHook( global_do_onload );

 // END: MediaWiki interface button definition for comments. this was modified
 // by Bawolff for en.wikinews comments from [[commons:Mediawiki:extra-tabs.js]]. Translated (up to 
 // now by Jurock).
 // ========================================================================

// </source>